How to Calculate Total Manufacturing Cost for Your Business

Determining manufacturing costs is important; it helps manufacturers price their products in such a way that they’re competitive but also ensures high net profits for the company. Knowing the manufacturing cost gives manufacturers the ability to meet goals and make sure their production process is at the right level of productivity. Manufacturing cost is […]

Current Assets vs Fixed Assets: What’s the Difference?

Now, there can be cases where accounts receivable have to be removed from the balance sheet as such accounts cannot be collected from the customers. Thus, both gross receivables and allowance for doubtful accounts have to be reduced in such scenarios. Furthermore, companies have to identify issues with their collection policies by comparing accounts receivable with sales. […]

Period and Product Costs Managerial Accounting

Only when they are used to produce and sell goods are they moved to cost of goods sold, which is located on the income statement. When the raw materials are brought in they will sit on the balance sheet. When the product is manufactured and then sold a corresponding amount from the inventory account will […]

Net Income The Profit of a Business After Deducting Expenses

AGI is gross income that is adjusted through qualified deductions that are permitted by the IRS. These deductions reduce an individual’s gross income, thus reducing the taxes they need to pay. Management and shareholders may want the company to retain the earnings for several different reasons. Being better informed about the market and the company’s […]